News of the company Agropiese TGR
How much fuel saving the tractor after installation СКРТ?
Топливо – один из основных расходов в сельском хозяйстве. Система расхода и мониторинга топлива – СКРТ - позволяет установить точный контроль и снизить этот расход до оптимального.

Technoton, Leica and Hexagon have proved the effectiveness of the workshop for agricultural enterprises
August 7 was a workshop dedicated to the latest technologies and innovations in agriculture. Representatives of 60 large agricultural farms familiar with the systems and precision farming for monitoring fuel consumption by Hexagon, Leica and Technoton.

Appreciate precision agriculture and monitoring fuel on Field Day
We invite you to see in practice how precision farming and control of fuel cultivation improve the quality and save money! The presentation will consist of two parts - theoretical seminar and field work units that will be installed on the tractor.

NozzleCrocodile - control of fuel consumption for small commercial vehicles
Department of monitoring and navigation Agropiese TGR offers a new solution for controlling the flow of petrol and gas - contactless reader NozzleCrocodile.

How to reduce fuel consumption haul tractors? In Agropiese TGR is a complex solution!
How to reduce fuel consumption haul tractors? In Agropiese TGR is a complex solution! Fuel consumption is often the subject of conflict. The difference in the figures leads to serious disagreements within the transport company.

TEСHNOTON Moldova received the status of the Regional Service Center
Department of monitoring and navigation Agropiese TGR is now the regional service centers, the company's products TECHNOTON. The service center has a certified technician and service.

Ti5 - a new GPS system for agriculture
GPS-navigator Ti5 can be used as a navigation system, and as a multifunctional system of precision agriculture. With expanded use of GPS-navigator Ti5 saves costs: saving seeds, pesticides and fertilizers reaches 15%, while fuel costs are reduced by 20%.

Fuel consumption indicator DFMi from Technoton at a low price!
LED fuel DFMi aims to achieve high and reliable control of fuel consumption in cars, tractors and units. DFMi used when access to reading directly from DFM is limited or impossible.

Controller AS7500 - advanced control system from Leica Geosystems sprayer
The company Leica Geosystems introduces a new product - the controller with automatic section control sprayer AS7500. Now the navigation system for farming Leica mojoMINI2 and Leica 3D could be improved to create a full sprayer control system.

Precision farming in agriculture from Leica Geosystems
So you can choose different devices for precision farming, ranging from simple heading sensor Leica mojoMini2 (accuracy 15-20cm.), To multi-function system Leica mojo3D, to which you can connect RTK module mojoXact plus And automatic steering management.

15 years of the joint venture Technoton!
At the end of April 2015 the joint venture Technoton celebrates its 15th anniversary! Technoton - actively developing company. with the continued growth in sales of equipment for monitoring fuel consumption and vehicle monitoring.

Hexagon Agriculture in Moldova
Agropiese TGR GRUP SRL - the official distributor of Leica Geosystems Agriculture in Moldova informs you that Brand Hexagon Agriculture was officially launched as a new business, centered in the sphere of agriculture.

New fuel consumption DFM with a digital interface
DFM Fuel flowmeters are used to measure the flow of fuel consumed in the fuel system of vehicles, as well as units that make up the monitoring systems of transport. Recently completed acceptance testing, and began serial production of new models.

How to reduce fuel consumption on road-building machinery
How to reduce fuel consumption? This question is asked by many car owners. Department of Monitoring System and Navigation Company Agropiese TGR offers to reduce fuel consumption by means of monitoring and control of fuel consumption.

Dealer Tour 2015 form representatives of Leica Geosystems!
On April 9th there will be a meeting of Leica Geosystems representatives and the Department of Navigation and Monitoring System Agropiese TGR - the official dealer in Moldova. They will discuss changes in the structure of new Leica brand.

Attention, sales! GPS Navigators Leica mojoMINI are more available now!
Anticrisis Solution: Agropiese TGR presents you the opportunity to purchase the best navigators at a discounted price. The modern monitoring system Leica mojoMini can be purchased for 19,000 lei, instead of 21 000 lei.

Tehnoton: The largest producer of CKPT and monitoring of transport
Tehnoton: cel mai mare producător de sisteme de monitorizare a transportului in CSI! Sisteme de monitorizare a transortului transport, sisteme de control ale aeronavelor și diagnosticare de vehicule care folosesc tehnologia GPS, GPRS, CAN și GLONASS

Agropiese TGR wishes you a Happy New Year!
We thank our suppliers Technoton and Leica Geosystems for mutually beneficial cooperation. Last year we pleased customers with excellent quality products. We are pleased that our activities contribute to the implementation of modern technologies.

LEICA GEOSYSTEMS relocated its agricultural division in Denmark
Leica Geosystems announces the relocation of its agricultural division from Brisbane, Australia, in Odense, Denmark. Swiss manufacturer plans to use the synergy of R&D and practical application on the famous enterprise management Leica Geosystems.

Department Monitoring and Navigation informs about what happened on the successful installation CANCrocodile Vehicles: CLAAS TUCANO 470 şi CLAAS AXION 850.

News of the company Agropiese TGR and partners abroad. Agropiese TGR - only the best GPS systems in Moldova. Our company is a regional dealer of the world's leading manufacturers of navigation equipment.